Tuesday, August 25, 2015

A Room Fit For A Pea

Hi Friends!
How's your week going? Hopefully Monday wasn't too much of a bummer for ya. Mondays are easily my busiest days at work, but I always get a ton done! Starts the week off on the right foot.
For today's post, I'm going to share with you guys a concept board for a little guy's room! When we found out I was pregnant, nursery's became a minor (major?) obsession for this design obsessed gal. Right here (insert hand raising emoji).
This is not Gavin's exact room- but I'll do a home tour of his room soon! Gavin's room does incorporate a lot of these products though- they're on here because we use and love them, or plan on using them with our next little.
That being said, every small person will have a room that's fit for them. How fun is it to copy someone else's space to the T? That will never be a place that you can feel truly at home in, because it won't reflect you and your family.  The best rooms are rooms where you pull lots of different inspiration from different people and places, and then throw in some elements that are uniquely "you". For Gavin, this looks like these silly pictures of "hipster" animals above his crib. Or the sign I made for his first birthday that we hung on a wall. Or The banner above his changing table from his baby shower that reads "It's A Boy!" that his cousin Jessica made him! These are all elements that make his room a place that reflects him and his teensy life- and our journey together as a family so far.
This is a concept board. As the saying goes- take what you need (or love) and leave the rest!

1. Elodie Rug by Glitter Guide 2. Geometric Multicolor Pillow by Fig Tree Baby Co. 3.  Bambino Land Goldfish Sheets
 4. Liam The Brave Medallion Dream Blanket 5. Sophie la Giraffe
Maddi & The Pea

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Tuesday Loves


Happy Tuesday!
Today is my day off and my favorite day of the whole week. I get to spend this ordinary Tuesday with an extraordinary little Pea!
In honor of my day with the Pea, I thought I would post a quick something about a product that Gav loves and that I get asked about all the time.
So I have this necklace. And it is THE best necklace of all the necklaces. It's one of the best contributions that any momma has made in the quest to merge function and style for the worn and weary legions of super moms all over the world.
Allow me to change your life:
This company makes teething jewelry. But it's not just any teething jewelry. It's cute!
I had seen teething necklaces around, but honestly always felt like they were super out of sync with my personal style. I'm not a big, chunky, ugly necklace-wearing type of gal.
Like, I'm a mom but "I'm not like a regular mom, I'm a COOL mom." you know?
I bought the Teresa Silicone Teething Necklace in Mermaid. And the rest (meaning my bank account) is history.
Not only are their necklaces not fugly, but they are a serious hair saver. YOU KNOW WHY? Because the silicone teething "beads" are on a fabric cord (instead of the beads running all the way to the clasp), they don't get all tangled in your hair. Which means they wont rip your hair out and make you bald. Which is cool.
Do yourself a solid-go buy one of these and up your cool-mom game, Ok?!
Clockwise from Left to Right: Teresa Silicone Teething Necklace in Mermaid, Zoe Silicone Teething Necklace in Sweet Mint, Finley Silicone Teething Bangle in Sweet Mint

Disclaimer: This is not a paid advertisement. All opinions expressed are mine & mine alone!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

A Construction-Themed First Birthday Party!


Last Saturday was such a happy day!
We were so blessed to have all of our friends and family come celebrate our Pea turning One!! Gavin had absolutely no idea why all these people were there and why they were all talking to him but he decided to play it cool because they were bringing him presents and feeding him- pretty sweet deal.
We went with a construction theme because he loooooves anything with wheels, and his Daddy and Papa work in construction.
All the little details came together perfectly- with his Nana spear-heading the project!
Our friend Becky made him an amazing construction-themed cake, and all photos are courtesy of my sweet friend Molly.
And now...
The Take Away From A One Year Old's Birthday (Besides Anxiety):
  It's so striking to look back a little more than a year ago, when many of the same people were at the same house for my baby shower! So much has changed in a year, and I felt really blessed to see so many of the same faces, supporting us in a whole new chapter. In my previous post on Gavin's birthday I shared a letter I wrote to him the night before he was born. In it I mention that we were going through a lot of hard stuff during the time I was pregnant, and it was extremely hard for us to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
This year, we learned to be a family. Through hard stuff, and through great joy and excitement. We have learned to love each other absolutely, despite any outside circumstances- whether we are rich or poor, angry with each other or delighted to be in each others presence, exhausted emotionally and physically or ready to tackle another day.
Hindsight is always 20/20, but I think I can share a universal truth in my life that's become so clear in the last year:
God's foresight is always greater than my hindsight.
We have been brought through relational, emotional, and financial  storms to a whole new place of understanding and gratitude. Does that mean we're always grateful, or that we'll never slip into ingratitude or lack faith? Absolutely not. There are new storms that we get to walk through which I can tell you, I am super-duper not grateful for!
The lesson is in knowing that God's foresight has me covered. And I can worry and stress all I want, but it will never change the fact that there is a plan for our family that I know nothing about. And there are lessons I have yet to learn, in ways I may or may not love to learn them.
 I just get to either enjoy, or stress about the journey we're on.
 I think that these days I choose to enjoy it a little bit more.


Monday, August 10, 2015

Home Love- A Series

Good morning!
How was your weekend? Ours was great! We celebrated the Pea's first birthday with a construction-themed party at his grandparents house! I'll post more about that tomorrow, but in the meantime I want to introduce you guys to a design series here on the blog, as well as share why interior design is so personal to me.
Well, the blog is called Design with a Pea and so it only makes sense that I throw some design in here.  Sometimes I need a design pick-me-up to get through the week... and so the idea for the Home Love series was born. If you know me you know that interior design is my thing. But, as other people with a thing know, it's easy to get stuck. I hope this series serves to keep me inspired and on the lookout for new things to share with you!
In keeping with my goal of being authentic on the interwebz, I aim to only share things that I either already own & adore or that I truly love. These things might not be "trendy" and sometimes they may be, but they are always going to be products and inspiration that reflect the kind of home I want to surround my people with.
And-last but not least-a word about interior design:
Why does design matter to me?
I have always been a creative person, but the real answer to this question is this: it has kept my heart fluttering and my soul happy longer than anything else in my life. I think other people with a thing can probably relate to this. Living in a space that reflects me makes me feel better about being that person. Now that I have a family, living in a space that reflects us feels unifying and safe. I have seen the same result in other people in my life and work who open themselves up to the idea that maybe the 'stuff' you surround yourself with has an effect on your mental and emotional well-being.
It's easy to think that focusing on making your surroundings "pretty" is shallow and meaningless. But humor me for a second and wonder...
If you were proud of the place you lived, and felt that it truly reflected you (and your family), would you be more likely to have friends and family over? More frequently, maybe? What kinds of conversations would come out of that? Would you read an old book in a comfy chair with a cozy blanket and some tea instead of zone out on your smart phone? What might you learn?  Would you paint with your kids more, knowing that you had the perfect place to put their creativity? Would you have a friend over to drink coffee out of cute coffee cups with?
It is my hope that this blog can help others to frame this idea in a different way- and that more people might realize that the spaces we live our personal lives in have a much more profound impact on our daily perspective and our relationships than we think.
I have found that interior design both calms me and lights me on fire- and I'm pretty sure that's the whole point right? What has that effect on you? I hope you are busy finding it!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

The Pea Turns One!

My sweet boy...
You are one!!
And oh, how the time has flown by-like every momma says. I want to go back and relive every moment slowly- except the ones that everyone told me would suck before I had you. I don't miss driving you around for hours at 3 a.m. And breastfeeding was way harder than I anticipated. I don't miss trying to decode what all of your cries meant. But I do miss your sleepy milk-drunk smiles. And how blobby you were. Like, you were literally a vaguely human shaped blob. But you were the cutest blob!!
A week or so before you were born I wrote in my journal as a last ditch effort at being nostalgic i.e.  recording the "special moments" that are supposed to come along with being pregnant. It should be noted that I never write in journals, despite my good intentions so you know it was about to get real. What came out on the page was hard and sad and beautiful all at the same time. Today seems like a good day to look back.
Hello Little Man!
It's your mama, writing to you in the future! Right now you are nestled all snuggly inside my tummy...As I write this letter I ask myself: what do I want my son to know about the last nine months? Do I want you to know about all of the moments where it felt like the world and all of our new responsibility would crush us? Or do I want you to only know abut the moments we spent excitedly anticipating who you would be? Like most things, this journey has fallen somewhere between those two extremes. It has been both exhausting and exhilarating; terrifying and fulfilling.
Daddy and I are young, and some days I am paralyzed by fear at the thought that I might absolutely destroy this whole parenting thing.
 When your dad and I first saw that glowing plus sign on the pregnancy test, we were shocked! I think I laughed. Dad sat down quietly on the bed. Terrified doesn't come close to how we were feeling.
But you know something amazing? We were both sure from that moment, that we were grateful for the blessing that is you! I knew in my heart, soul, and bones that you were to be our baby.
We have had to have so much faith along this journey, Gavin. And having faith sometimes hurts. We started this process, and have lived much of it, on faith alone. Until a few months ago we had absolutely no income and every open door seemed to slam shut in our face. Sometimes the fear and shame we felt were debilitating. But we continued to have faith and accept the love and support others offered us, and after a lot of perseverance Daddy got a job! He is such a hard worker- and he never complains. He is so, so excited to meet you Gav.
God has absolutely provided for us and made this blessing (you!) possible.
We want to give you every possible gift and lesson that life has to offer-it is hard to remember that some of those gifts and lessons you will have to learn on your own.
Some of my very favorite moments are the times that Daddy and I have spent talking about the kind of parents we want to be, and the ideas we have for our family life. You know what we want most of all? A happy boy! Actually, let me rephrase that- A healthy boy. Not just in the physical sense, but int the spiritual and emotional sense. We want you to know that it is perfectly okay to not be happy all the time. It's okay to be angry, scared, anxious, resentful, and apathetic- to name a few! All of your feelings are okay to have! And they do not need to define you or dictate the choices you make.
You can be both unhappy and content.
At 23 years old. I am just learning this lesson- and it is a lesson I have only truly began to grasp while growing you.
So the truth about the last nine months is that it has been an absolute melting pot of tears (both happy and sad), faith, perseverance, doubt, anger, resentment, and acceptance. But most of all- we have loved. We have loved fiercely. We have loved each other, and we have always loved you. And in times when we felt so broken, lost, and confused, others have loved us and guided us back to faith.
I hope that someday life gives you the blessing in disguise that allows you to have your own experience like this-and that one day you will have your own letter to write.
Pea, you are all that we could have ever hoped you'd be and so, so much more. You are sweet, kind, gentle, intelligent, and observant. You love to give kisses almost as much as you love to eat. You're a tiny explorer- always up for an adventure with your momma and daddy at a moments notice. You've changed my heart forever, and you've showed me how to love a side of myself I didn't even know I had. There will never be any way for me to repay you for the gift you've been to me- so I hope you accept kisses, forever and for always. Because as long as I'm living, my baby you'll be.



Wednesday, August 5, 2015

When You're More Than 'Just Tired'

Good Evening!

Ugh. This week has been long.

I wanted this blog to be all about family and designing a beautiful life around the truly important stuff in it. But today was a long day, and the past few months have been long months- if I'm being honest. I want to share that process here, because I want this blog to be full of experiences that are REAL, and that other people might relate to. I have a feeling some people might relate to this. So:

I stayed home with my son from the time he was born until he was 9 months old. He'll be 1 on Friday, and the past three months I've been working in a field I absolutely love- design! I am a tile and stone designer, and it's been a great experience so far. However...
I'm really struggling with balance. Like a lot. I feel like there are never enough hours in the day to do the work I love to do, to love on the pea that makes my world go around, and on his daddy who is my heart and my best friend. I feel like I don't have enough time to work out- which is important for my health (I am a Type 1 Diabetic), to go to the doctor as frequently as I need to (which is pretty frequently), to grocery shop for wholesome foods to keep our family healthy and energized, to participate regularly in my spiritual practice, and to see friends and family. I never feel relaxed. It's not just that I don't have the time- it's that I don't have the energy either. I struggle with depression as well- and maybe that's where part of the solution lies. I struggle to regularly take my medication, and when I don't do that I feel absolutely exhausted. It's hard for me to see the need to take it when  don't  immediately feel the sadness and darkness closing in- I'm just really tired. And so I chalk it up to other things-like not having enough time.

I don't "look" depressed. I don't always act depressed. But I am so, so tired of trying to juggle everything- and of feeling extreme anxiety and paralyzing fear and failure every time I'm not perfectly balanced in every aspect of my life at work and at home. So I'm going to make the time to go to a doctor and find more options for myself-whether that is staying on medication, or therapy, or fill-in-the-blank "doctors orders".

This is an intense post for the beginning of my blog. I hope to use this as a jump-off point for the honesty I want to reflect from this space. I'll stay open about my journey with wellness and balance here. I say journey because I don't think the search for those things has a permanent destination. I have a feeling that, like most things in life, balance and wellness are fluid. I'm just trying to find some sweet spots along the way.
PHEW. Now that's over.
If you think this was bad NEVER, and I mean NEVER, watch Requiem for a Dream.
That is all.