Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Disneyland 2015

So. We visited the "happiest place on Earth"! The Pea's verdict: ambivalent, except for the characters.
We went with Lucas' mom, dad, and grandma, which was so fun! Gavin got precisely 3 tons of love that weekend.
The first day we were there, we took him on a few rides which he was definitely interested in, but as usual he mostly remained observant. Not a whole lot of excitement, just wide eyes. He keeps his cards close to the chest, that one.
 However, we did take him on the Finding Nemo ride- which, of course, out of all of the rides with pleeeenty of elbow room and air to breathe and with absolutely no room for claustrophobia-induced panic, he LOVED. I have to just say: This thing was a death trap. It's this teeny tiny submarine that you cram into with like 20 other people (and you all share each others air, die). Everyone is sitting on each other's laps. And then it goes under the water. I realize this isn't an earth shattering concept a lá the entire contraption that is a submarine, however the terror is a little more palpable when I'm sharing your air, okay? So we're all sharing each others air (did I mention we're sharing each other's air?), and then the ride seemed to languidly drag on for approximately 83 years. The whole time Gavin is squealing, and pointing, and touching the poor girl sitting with her boyfriend next to Lucas, who basically looks like she's going to cry and then die right there due to all of the NO AIR. So. That was the ride Gavin enjoyed the most. Extremely fitting, I must say.

But the thing Gavin loved the most while we were at Disneyland happened on the second day of our trip. He discovered the characters. And he thought they. were. amazing. As evidenced by the joy on his face in these pictures. His happiness and excitement in that moment made the entire trip worth it. He ran right up to them and gave them hugs and kisses! He didn't want to leave. He met Tigger, Eeyore, and Winnie the Pooh.

Other highlights of the trip for the Pea included eating. Dole whips at the Tiki Room with Pops. Beignets with Nana at the Mint Julep Bar. French fries. Churros- everywhere, but especially with his GG on her sweet ride. She taught him how to honk the horn, too! 
Negatives included: No naps for an extraordinarily active 15 month old. It's kind of terrifying how much adrenaline this small guy gets from having no naps. He's like a really demanding psychopath. That hits. And yells. But is simultaneously very emotionally expressive.

So Disneyland with a 15 month old was Disneyland with a 15 month old- and it was awesome! We didn't have the typical Disneyland experience that someone with kids over 5 might have, but it was really fun in a completely different way. We got to see Gavin have a brand new experience! 
A lot of people had advice for me when it came to taking a little person to Disneyland. But honestly, I can't even think of any good advice to pass on! Every family will have their own unique trip. And isn't that the beauty and the fun and the genius of Disneyland? Every family has their own relationship to it; their own rituals; their own favorites. The magic of "the happiest place on Earth" is as far-reaching and impactful as it is for just as many individual reasons. As Lucas and I were walking down Main Street, we were a little bit in awe of being there; full of gratitude for creating our first memories with our little tri-pod family, but also to be creating new memories within the context of what the magic of Disneyland uniquely means to his family. 
The one piece of advice I got that I can say applies to everyone is this: Memories from Disneyland last a lifetime. What a blessing to be a part of them!
Maddi, Lucas, and The Pea

Sunday, November 1, 2015

What I Want To Remember From This Season Of Life

Hi friends!
This morning I wanted to share the things that I want to look back and remember during the current season of life we're in as a family, and I am in as an individual, accompanied by our interesting lot of pictures we took at the pumpkin patch (and one from Halloween this year!).
A note on that: This series of pictures is so absolutely metaphorical for my life. EVERYONE WANTS TO GET CUTE PICTURES OF THEIR KID AT THE PUMPKIN PATCH. If you say you don't, you're a liar! I am a special breed of crazy that wants these pictures to be perfect. If a perfectly timed leaf could fall from the sky in the middle of the shot I would die a happy woman. Alas, God finds humor in my pursuit for perfection. And you know what? Not a dang picture turned out even close to perfect. God-156,875,307. Maddi-0. And I am totally okay with it- alright, I'm mostly okay with it.
This season feels really hectic for us, often. Lucas and I are both working a lot, and sometimes it seems like every hour of our day is itemized. The monotony of doing the same thing every single day for forever seems endless and I wonder how much I'm missing my son grow up.  I miss spending time with my son and my family, I'm tired of this baby weight still hanging around and not having the time to exercise because that would mean missing out on the sleep I already don't have, I miss spending time with friends, and I really miss sitting. Just sitting. These things sound so small, but they have such an emotional impact on me. 
SO. I want to take the time to remember the great, awesome, beautiful things going on right now. Because they are all worthy of thankfulness.
Accompanied by these awkward pictures. Enjoy!
1. I want to remember how awesome it is that I have a job that I love and is in line with what makes my heart happy that, as an added bonus, helps me provide for my family.

2. I want to remember that this baby chub is hanging around because instead of working out, I played with my son, or I took care of my body with sleep, other kinds of self care, or rare fellowship.

3. Speaking of baby chub- I made a baby! And look how cute he is! He's a derp just like me! My chub is a sign of my great derp-making abilities!
4. I want to remember the funny laugh that Gavin does when you tickle him- he tucks his chin to his chest and makes this creepy giggle like he is trying with all his might to stop himself from laughing but he.just.can't.
5. I want to remember how happy it makes me to hear him wake up in the morning at 6 am, because I know that he's going to come cuddle and giggle and play in our bed with us.

6. I want to remember our first little home together as a family, and how we've made it our own. I want to remember how awesome it is that we have a roof over our heads, food, running water, electricity, and all of these extras that I am not ignorant enough to think are standard in this country.

7. I want to remember how excited Gavin was to pet the horses at the stables on Halloween!
8. Most importantly, I want to remember this season of our life as the season that God began to change our hearts and grow in us new understanding, love, and patience for each other, and for our crazy everyday.
Maddi & The Pea